Tabling: Richard II Act I

Our participants for this episode are Jane May, Sam Gibbs, Brittany Chandler, Nicholas Koy Santillo & Ariana Karp. Join us as we scratch our heads discussing the concept of primogeniture, puzzling through the rules and who is related to whom. For a very thorough Richard II genealogy, click here

Other topics include: 

  • Divine right of kings
  • The birth of obsessive interiority 
  • Classism
  • The move from feudalism and chivalry to modern politics
  • Ascension and Descension 
  • Private moments vs public moments vs private moments in public 


Ceremony and formalism in Act I. 1965 production: Alan Howard as Bolingbroke, John Neville as Richard in the centre, and John Tordoff as Mowbray

Ceremony and formalism in Act I. 1965 production: Alan Howard as Bolingbroke, John Neville as Richard in the centre, and John Tordoff as Mowbray