Tabling: The Duchess of Malfi Act III

This week Emily Ota, Levi Morger, Brittany Chandler, Samantha Blinn, Claire Curtis-Ward & Ariana Karp discuss Act III of the Duchess of Malfi. Things are getting craaahzy…we spend quite a few minutes just trying to figure out everything that happens in this Act! 

Other discussion topics include:

  • Ferdinand and the Cardinal find out that Antonio is the father of the Duchess's children! Escandoloso! What does this mean to them?
  • Ritual and religion in the play
  • The role of the dumbshow in classical theatre
  • The relationship between Cariola and Duchess and generally the relationships between great ladies and their handmaidens
  • The Duchess and Antonio's private farewell in public
  • Why the Jacobean obsession with incestuous relationships?
  • How danger creeps into the domestic sphere in the bedroom scene
  • We end with Levi reading us a poem about a dagger by Jorge Luis Borges

By the way, Britt's computer is fine and King Arthur the pup is still as cute as ever! 

Medieval pilgrim 

Medieval pilgrim