This week Brittany Chandler, Christopher Weihert, Mitchel Kawash, Claire Curtis-Ward, Samantha Blinn, Parker Denton & Ariana Karp delve into the iconic trial scene of Act III of John Webster’s The White Devil.
We discuss, among other things:
- Three siblings on trial for the same crime
- The overt misogyny and patronization of the court
- The role of the ambassadors in foreign judicial system
- The Pope and the global ecclesiastical power
- The Elizabethan/Jacobean knack for setting controversial stories in Italy
- Vittoria as a proto-Protestant hero in that she demands that the proceedings are conducted in the language of the people as opposed to Latin
- Why does Bracchiano leave in the middle of the trail scene?
- The timeline for the discovery of Isabella’s death
- Intention versus action
Promotional image for the RSC's production of The White Devil