We took a bit of a hiatus — profuse apologies Tabling audience! We were busy doing this play for REAL! We will now be back to our regular release schedule!
Join Levi Morger, Emily Ota, Will McKay, Isabel Karp, Samantha Blinn, Nicholas Koy Santillo, Rooney the cat and Ariana Karp as we discuss Act IV: The act of mistaken identities.
- How much does the audience suspend their disbelief and how is this amplified in the comedies?
- What has happened between Olivia and Sebastian between the first and third scenes of the act? How much sexy time happened?
- Similarity between Sebastian’s soliloquy “This is the air” vs Viola’s “I left no ring with her” — the straightforward nature of the language.
- Sir Toby and the weight of Olivia’s decision to banish him
- The opacity of Feste’s language in the ‘Sir Topas’ scene
- Comedy depends on perspective
Mark Rylance as Olivia